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    Contesting Authority - Book Cover

    Contesting Authority

    Social Movements and the Left in Portugal and Spain (2008-2015)

    Contesting Austerity compares the contentious responses to austerity in Portugal and Spain between 2008 and 2015. The book explores how social movements and the left in these countries reacted to the austerity measures imposed by the European Union and the national governments. Recommended for: Scholars and students of social movement studies, sociology, [...]

    Contesting Cosmopolitan Europe

    Euroscepticism, Crisis and Borders

    Contesting Cosmopolitan Europe explores the challenges faced by the European project in the wake of recent crises.The book examines how ideas of European integration and cosmopolitanism are being contested in light of issues like the Eurozone crisis, migration flows, and the rise of Euroscepticism. It analyzes the impact of these developments on [...]

    Flavian Responses to Nero's Rome - Book Cover

    Flavian Responses to Nero’s Rome

    Flavian Responses to Nero’s Rome delves into the fascinating yet complex relationship between the Flavian dynasty (69-96 CE) and the legacy of the infamous emperor Nero. This interdisciplinary volume explores how the Flavians navigated Nero’s memory through various strategies, revealing how they sought to legitimize their own rule while simultaneously shaping public [...]

    Inconvenient Heritage - Book Cover

    Inconvenient Heritage

    Colonial Collections and Restitution in the Netherlands and Belgium

    Inconvenient Heritage by Jos van Beurden is a must-read PDF book on colonial collections, restitution, and cultural heritage justice in the Netherlands and Belgium. Gain insights on the complex history and ethical challenges of restitution. Download now for a deep dive into these critical debates.

    Phythochemicals and Chronic Diseases Prevention

    Phytochemicals and Chronic Diseases Prevention

    Phytochemicals and Chronic Diseases Prevention is a comprehensive book exploring the role of phytochemicals in preventing and managing chronic diseases. Discover the latest research on phytochemicals, their molecular mechanisms, and their potential in preventing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders. Recommended for researchers and healthcare professionals interested in phytochemical-based chronic disease [...]

    Social Movements and the Politics of Debt - Book Cover

    Social Movements and the Politics of Debt

    Transnational Resistance against Debt on Three Continents

    Social Movements and the Politics of Debt examines the growing international resistance against debt burdens on individuals, communities, and nations. Drawing on case studies from across three continents, the book explores how social movements are challenging the power structures that create and perpetuate financial inequalities. It analyzes the strategies and tactics employed [...]

    Syntax of Hungarian - Book Cover

    Syntax of Hungarian

    Coordination and Ellipsis

    Syntax of Hungarian offers a comprehensive exploration of Hungarian grammar, delving into the intricacies of sentence structure and word order. Designed with both researchers and advanced students in mind, the book provides a theoretical foundation while emphasizing detailed descriptions. It examines a wide range of syntactic phenomena, including coordinate structures, conjunction types, [...]

    The Humanities and the Modern Politics of Knowledge - Book Cover

    The Humanities and the Modern Politics of Knowledge

    The Impact and Organization of the Humanities in Sweden, 1850-2020

    The Humanities and the Modern Politics of Knowledge examines the evolving role of the humanities in the modern world. Through a national case study of Sweden spanning two centuries, the book explores how societal perceptions of the humanities have shifted amidst the rise of science, technology, and economic rationales. By analyzing the [...]

    Urban Life and Intellectual Crisis in Middle-Period China, 800-1100 - Book Cover

    Urban Life and Intellectual Crisis in Middle-Period China, 800-1100

    Urban Life and Intellectual Crisis in Middle-Period China, 800-1100 delves into a fascinating period in Chinese history.The book explores the dramatic rise of urban centers during the Song Dynasty (960-1279), and the intellectual anxieties that emerged alongside this rapid urbanization. By analyzing literary works, philosophical treatises, and historical accounts, the book examines [...]

    World History for International Studies

    World History for International Studies breaks away from traditional approaches, offering a fresh perspective on global history through the lens of networks and interconnectedness. It explores how ideas, people, and goods have moved across continents, shaping societies and fostering cultural exchange throughout human history. By examining critical themes like communication, trade, order, [...]