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    Beginning Spanish Textbook - Book Cover

    Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

    Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí! is an open educational resource (OER) textbook designed to develop communication skills in Spanish across the interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes. Created by Jenny Ceciliano and Lisa Notman, professors at Portland State University, the textbook takes a learner-centered approach by engaging students in real-life exchanges on topics [...]

    Building Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining - Book Cover

    Building Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining

    What to Know & How to Teach It

    This edited collection documents the virtual Building Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining Institute held June 2020. The Institute aimed to teach digital humanities researchers and professionals about the key legal issues surrounding text data mining in the US, including copyright, technological protection measures, privacy, and ethics. It details how the organizers [...]

    Formal Axiology and its Critics

    Formal Axiology and Its Critics

    This book brings together writings that critically look at and try to move forward the formal theory of value that Robert S. Hartman spent his career researching and publishing about. Hartman’s axiology (study of value and worth) was groundbreaking in how it used logic and math like set theory and relationships to [...]

    General Psychology: An Introduction - Book Cover

    General Psychology: An Introduction

    This comprehensive open textbook offers a foundational overview of key concepts in introductory psychology, covering various topics in 14 chapters. Ideal for students and anyone interested in the core foundations of psychology as a social science.

    History in the Making - Book Cover

    History in the Making

    A History of the People of the United States of America to 1877

    This textbook provides a comprehensive yet accessible people-focused narrative of early U.S. history, covering topics from European contact through Reconstruction. Critical thinking exercises and learning objectives reinforce key concepts.

    Indian Islamic Architecture - Book Cover

    Indian Islamic Architecture

    Forms and Typologies, Sites and Monuments

    This book offers a nice overview of the Islamic architecture found across India. It brings together several articles written over the years by John Burton-Page, a well-known British scholar. His writings focus on the main architectural styles and important buildings constructed during Muslim rule in India starting in the 1200s. Recommended for: Beginner-to-intermediate [...]

    Introduction to Art - Book Cover

    Introduction to Art: Design, Context and Meaning

    Engage with multimedia content and gain a deeper understanding of art's meaning, purpose, and materials. Licensed as an Open Educational Resource (OER), this textbook promotes collaborative learning and is recommended for beginner-to-intermediate art enthusiasts.

    Introduction to Human Geography Textbook - Book Cover

    Introduction to Human Geography

    Discover the diverse field of human geography with Introduction to Human Geography (2nd Edition). Gain foundational knowledge and explore critical topics like population, migration, culture, politics, and the environment. Ideal for beginner-to-intermediate readers and introductory courses.

    On the Formation of Marxism - Book Cover

    On the Formation of Marxism

    Karl Kautsky’s Theory of Capitalism, the Marxism of the Second International and Karl Marx’s Critique of Political Economy

    This book by Jukka Gronow talks about how Karl Kautsky played a big role in shaping how people in the European social democratic labor movement understood and interpreted Marxism in the years before World War I. As the main authority on Marx and Engels’ ideas during this time, Kautsky’s specific analysis of [...]

    Social learning towards a sustainable world

    Social learning towards a sustainable world

    Principles, perspectives, and praxis

    This book looks at the idea of social learning and how it can help move things toward more sustainable development globally. It’s got 27 different chapters from people in all kinds of fields that are trying to deal with sustainability issues. The main focus is on social learning as something people from [...]

    The Dissolution of Mind - Book Cover

    The Dissolution of Mind

    A Fable of How Experience Gives Rise to Cognition

    This publication presents an original thesis regarding the nature of experience and cognition’s architecture. Presented as a dialogue between characters Alice and Professor O, it offers commentary reformulating traditional frameworks through a thought experiment engaging diverse readers. Recommended for: Philosophers, cognitive scientists, and anyone interested in exploring alternative perspectives on the nature [...]

    The Knowledge of Good - Book Cover

    The Knowledge of Good

    Critique of Axiological Reason

    This book offers a comprehensive and rigorous analysis of Hartman's pioneering work in value theory and its relationship to other influential philosophical perspectives. It is recommended for advanced readers with a background in philosophy, ethics, and related disciplines.