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Engaged Humanities - Book Cover

Engaged Humanities

Rethinking Art, Culture, and Public Life

Engaged Humanities: Rethinking Art, Culture, and Public Life is a co-edited volume that presents accessible case studies demonstrating the contributions of humanities scholars to concrete and pressing social debates.

Recommended for: Scholars, researchers, and students interested in the humanities, social sciences, and cultural studies.

You will:

  • Explore the role of the humanities in addressing contemporary social issues
  • Discover how humanities research can engage with and contribute to public debates
  • Gain insights into the importance of thinking and rethinking the nature of art, culture, and public life
  • Learn from accessible case studies on topics such as adoption, dementia, hacking, and conservation
  • Understand the continued relevance of humanities research in the 21st century

Detailed Overview

Engaged Humanities: Rethinking Art, Culture, and Public Life is a timely volume that addresses the challenges faced by the humanities in the 21st century. The various disciplines of the humanities, including history, linguistics, literary studies, art history, and media studies, have encountered significant challenges related to the future of print culture, shifts in funding strategies, and the changing contours of culture and society. This book takes a different approach by presenting accessible case studies that demonstrate the concrete contributions of humanities scholars to pressing social debates.

The volume is divided into four sections: “Subjectivities and Communities,” “Engaging Narratives,” “Collaborations,” and “The Humanities Tradition: Pioneers and Longstanding Debates.” The chapters explore topics such as parental self-fashioning in full circle adoptions, collaborative engagement with artistic film installations in residential dementia care, and the reconstruction of everyday life in interwar Grodzisko Dolne based on oral and written testimonies of Holocaust survivors.

The editors, Aagje Swinnen, Amanda Kluveld, and Renée van de Vall, bring together a range of scholars from various disciplines to demonstrate the continued importance of thinking and rethinking the nature of art, culture, and public life. The book is an invaluable resource for scholars, researchers, and students interested in the humanities, social sciences, and cultural studies.

Citation and Licensing

Aagje Swinnen, Amanda Kluveld, Renée van de Vall (Eds.). AUP. (2022). Engaged Humanities. https://www.aup.nl/en/book/9789048550401/engaged-humanities

This ebook is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The full licence terms are available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/


Engaged Humanities
Clicks: 40, format: PDF, size: 3.4 MB, date: 20 Sep. 2024

Post Author: admin