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|The Invisible Man
In "The Invisible Man," the story revolves around a scientist who discovers the secret to invisibility and explores the consequences and moral implications of this newfound power. Wells' work is known for blending scientific concepts with social commentary, making it a classic example of science fiction literature.
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Originally published in 1890 in the Philadelphia Lippincott monthly magazine, The Picture of Dorian Gray stands as the sole novel penned by Irish writer Oscar Wilde. After revisions and adjustments, the book was released in its complete form in 1891, eliciting mixed reviews due to its controversial content. At the center of [...]
The Stolen Body
The Stolen Body is a sci-fi tale by H. G. Wells,1 first published in November 1898 by The Strand Magazine. It later appeared in collections like “Twelve Stories and a Dream.” H.G. Wells, or Herbert George Wells, was an English writer who excelled in various genres, including novels, stories, biographies, and social [...]