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    Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - Book Cover

    Automate the Boring Stuff with Python

    This 504 page book teaches Python programming to automate tedious tasks and “do in minutes what would take hours.” Written by Al Sweigart for complete beginners, readers learn Python by writing scripts for practical tasks like finding/changing text, manipulating documents and spreadsheets, web automation, and more. Recommended for: Beginner-to-intermediate readers. This book [...]

    Beginning Spanish Textbook - Book Cover

    Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

    Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí! is an open educational resource (OER) textbook designed to develop communication skills in Spanish across the interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes. Created by Jenny Ceciliano and Lisa Notman, professors at Portland State University, the textbook takes a learner-centered approach by engaging students in real-life exchanges on topics [...]

    Educational Learning Theories - Book Cover

    Educational Learning Theories

    Educational Learning Theories: 2nd Edition is an open textbook that provides a comprehensive overview of major learning theories and their applications in the field of education. Authored by Molly Zhou and David Brown, this textbook explores the theoretical foundations of learning, including behaviorism, cognitive development, social cognitive theory, sociocultural theory, and a [...]

    Foundations of Computation - Book Cover

    Foundations of Computation

    Foundations of Computation is a free one-semester textbook for theoretical computer science, used at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. It requires only introductory programming knowledge as a prerequisite. The first half covers discrete math topics like logic, sets, and functions, while the second focuses on automata, formal languages, and computability theory.

    History in the Making - Book Cover

    History in the Making

    A History of the People of the United States of America to 1877

    Suitable for U.S. history survey courses (HIST 2110 or HIST 2111), this comprehensive yet accessible resource offers a high-quality alternative for students and instructors seeking an in-depth examination of the early history of the United States.

    Principles of Marketing - Book Cover

    Principles of Marketing

    Whether you're a student or an instructor seeking a comprehensive marketing resource, "Principles of Marketing" provides a detailed overview, engaging content, and chapter-end exercises to assess your learning progress. Unlock the power of marketing and develop a strong marketing foundation with this accessible and interactive textbook.

    The Plant's Detective Manual - Book Cover

    The Plant Detective’s Manual

    A research-led approach for teaching plant science

    "The Plant Detective's Manual" is a comprehensive textbook by Estavillo, Mathesius, Djordjevic, and Nicotra. Explore plant biology, morphology, physiology, and genetics in changing environments. Engage in laboratory investigations, solve mysteries, and inspire research. Recommended for students, educators, and those interested in biodiversity, food production, and conservation. Become a plant detective shaping sustainable [...]

    The Joy of Cryptography - Book Cover

    The joy of cryptography

    In the book "The Joy of Cryptography," readers will gain a profound understanding of cryptographic principles and techniques. They will learn to analyze security definitions using complexity theory, compose secure cryptographic building blocks, explore practical systems and attack models, and develop a solid theoretical foundation for advanced studies in cryptography.

    Understanding Machine Learning - Book Cover

    Understanding Machine Learning

    From Theory to Algorithms

    "Understanding Machine Learning" is a comprehensive textbook published by Cambridge University Press on machine learning concepts and algorithms. Intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students as well as professionals across various disciplines, the book offers thorough coverage of machine learning fundamentals as well as specialized topics and modern algorithmic techniques.