This innovative book from the MIT Press provides a critical cultural analysis of how Amazon became the dominant global platform and ultimate service brand.
Through an examination of Amazon’s diverse consumer offerings and relationship marketing techniques, the author investigates how it established pervasive influence across many aspects of daily life.
Special consideration is given to why resistance to Amazon’s ubiquity and monopolistic market power has emerged primarily from workers experiencing its employment practices rather than from customers or competitors.
Recommended for: Readers interested in critical examinations of the growing power and influence of large tech companies, particularly Amazon, and the cultural and societal implications of their business models and practices. This book would appeal to a wide audience, including those studying media, technology, economics, and business.
You will:
- Gain an in-depth understanding of how Amazon has leveraged branding, relationship marketing, and massive distribution infrastructure to become a ubiquitous presence in many aspects of daily life.
- Explore how Amazon has normalized its outsized market power and influence, positioning itself as an essential “service brand” in the digital economy.
- Examine the strategies Amazon employs to cultivate personalized, intimate relationships with consumers and control its public image.
- Understand why consumer pushback against Amazon’s dominance has been limited compared to the critiques from its own workers.
- Critically analyze the broader cultural and political consequences of Amazon’s brand logic, which fragments consumers as a political bloc.
- Learn how this innovative cultural study of Amazon offers a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked corporate power and the need for greater scrutiny and accountability.
- Develop a nuanced perspective on the complex trade-offs between the convenience and efficiency offered by tech giants and the potential costs to society.
- Engage with important debates around monopolization, surveillance capitalism, and the role of large platforms in shaping our modern digital landscape.
Detailed Overview
This comprehensive book provides a detailed analysis of Amazon’s transformation from an online bookseller to a global marketplace and the cultural implications of its dominance. The chapters delve into various aspects of Amazon’s operations and strategies, offering critical insights into its impact on e-commerce, retail, media, and personalized relationships.
The first chapters focus on Amazon’s emphasis on rapid and frictionless e-commerce delivery systems, symbolized by its ubiquitous brown boxes. The book explores how this logistical prowess has shaped consumer expectations and redefined the retail landscape.
Another key aspect examined is Amazon’s framing of products, such as retail items, media content, and smart speakers, as helpful services rather than mere sales. The author analyzes how this approach has contributed to Amazon’s success in creating a seamless customer experience and fostering brand loyalty.
The book also traces Amazon’s evolution into a vast marketplace through platformization. It investigates the implications of this transformation, including issues related to automation, surveillance, and the cultivation of personalized relationships through technologies like Alexa.
Furthermore, the author critically examines Amazon’s media streaming operations and the commodification of culture facilitated by its influence. The book sheds light on the ways in which digital giants like Amazon normalize monopoly control and exert significant cultural and economic power.
Overall, this book offers timely and incisive insights into the cultural and economic logic behind the rise of digital giants, particularly Amazon, and the far-reaching consequences of their monopoly control. It provides a comprehensive overview of Amazon’s strategies, impact, and the broader implications for society and the digital economy.
Citation and Licensing
West, E. (2022). Buy Now: How Amazon Branded Convenience and Normalized Monopoly. MIT Press.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, viewable at