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    A World without Capitalism? - Book Cover

    A World without Capitalism?

    Alternative Discourses, Spaces, and Imaginaries

    A World without Capitalism? is a groundbreaking sociolinguistic ethnography that critically examines the discursive and material representations of capitalism and anti-capitalism. Recommended for students, researchers, and activists interested in understanding the workings of capitalism and exploring alternative economic futures. Gain insights into capitalist ideologies, alternative discourses, and methods for analyzing economic realities.

    Biological Relatives

    This book explores the normalization of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), discussing its journey from an experimental procedure to a widely used technology with various applications. The widespread use of IVF has transformed the understanding of both technology and biology. However, despite its prevalence, IVF remains a complex and paradoxical technology. Recommended for:  [...]

    Coding Freedom

    The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking

    Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking by E. Gabriella Coleman is an ethnographic study that explores the emergence and significance of the free and open source software (F/OSS) movement in the United States and Europe. The book delves into the ethics behind hackers’ devotion to F/OSS, the social codes that [...]

    Contesting Authority - Book Cover

    Contesting Authority

    Social Movements and the Left in Portugal and Spain (2008-2015)

    Contesting Austerity compares the contentious responses to austerity in Portugal and Spain between 2008 and 2015. The book explores how social movements and the left in these countries reacted to the austerity measures imposed by the European Union and the national governments. Recommended for: Scholars and students of social movement studies, sociology, [...]

    Grappling with the Bomb

    Britain's Pacific H-bomb tests

    Grappling with the Bomb is a compelling historical account of Britain’s program to test the hydrogen bomb in the 1950s. The book sheds light on the nine atmospheric nuclear tests conducted at Malden Island and Christmas Island, which are now part of the Pacific nation of Kiribati. Drawing on archival research and [...]

    Inconvenient Heritage - Book Cover

    Inconvenient Heritage

    Colonial Collections and Restitution in the Netherlands and Belgium

    Inconvenient Heritage by Jos van Beurden, a monograph exploring colonial collections and restitution, offers a comprehensive examination of historical acquisitions and the restitution movement in the Netherlands and Belgium. Dive into the ethical complexities, demands for repatriation, and cultural heritage justice issues within this essential scholarly work.

    Security and Privacy

    Global Standards for Ethical Identity Management in Contemporary Liberal Democratic States

    In this in-depth monograph, explore the intricate ethical dilemmas surrounding identity management technologies in the face of global security threats. Delve into the tensions between security and privacy, and discover how to establish global ethical standards for these technologies while considering legal, political, and technological constraints.

    Supreme Courts Under Nazi Occupation - Book Cover

    Supreme Courts Under Nazi Occupation

    “Supreme Courts Under Nazi Occupation” examines the profound challenges faced by judicial institutions during World War II in Nazi-occupied territories. This groundbreaking study analyzes how supreme courts navigated between maintaining legal order and responding to occupying forces’ demands. Through detailed historical analysis and comparative research, the book reveals how these highest courts [...]

    Technicians of Human Dignity

    Bodies, Souls, and the Making of Intrinsic Worth

    Technicians of Human Dignity by Gaymon Bennett is a thought-provoking book that explores the concept of human dignity and its implications on religious, political, and bioethical institutions. Recommended for: Scholars, researchers, and students in the fields of anthropology, theology, bioethics, and human rights. You will: Engage with a critical analysis of the [...]

    The Spanish Lake - Book Cover

    The Spanish Lake

    The Spanish Lake by Oskar Spate is a comprehensive historical exploration of the Pacific Ocean, focusing on European exploration and Spanish conquest. Gain insights into the transformative impact of Ferdinand Magellan's voyages, Spanish dominance, and the complex interplay of politics, economy, and cultures. An essential monograph for maritime historians and enthusiasts.

    Vietnam - A Transition Tiger? - Book Cover

    Viet Nam — a Transition Tiger?

    Discover the thought-provoking analysis of Vietnam's economic development in "Viet Nam — A Transition Tiger?" Challenge conventional views, explore alternative strategies, and gain insights into Vietnam's unique path to growth. Recommended for economists, policymakers, scholars, and anyone curious about Vietnam's success story and development models.