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    A World without Capitalism? - Book Cover

    A World without Capitalism?

    Alternative Discourses, Spaces, and Imaginaries

    A World without Capitalism? is a groundbreaking sociolinguistic ethnography that critically examines the discursive and material representations of capitalism and anti-capitalism. Recommended for students, researchers, and activists interested in understanding the workings of capitalism and exploring alternative economic futures. Gain insights into capitalist ideologies, alternative discourses, and methods for analyzing economic realities.

    Contesting Authority - Book Cover

    Contesting Authority

    Social Movements and the Left in Portugal and Spain (2008-2015)

    Contesting Austerity compares the contentious responses to austerity in Portugal and Spain between 2008 and 2015. The book explores how social movements and the left in these countries reacted to the austerity measures imposed by the European Union and the national governments. Recommended for: Scholars and students of social movement studies, sociology, [...]

    Contesting Cosmopolitan Europe

    Euroscepticism, Crisis and Borders

    Contesting Cosmopolitan Europe explores the challenges faced by the European project in the wake of recent crises.The book examines how ideas of European integration and cosmopolitanism are being contested in light of issues like the Eurozone crisis, migration flows, and the rise of Euroscepticism. It analyzes the impact of these developments on [...]

    Electronic Engagement - Book Cover

    Electronic Engagement

    A Guide for Public Sector Managers

    Explore the intersection of technology and governance in this comprehensive guide to e-government and public administration. Learn how to leverage electronic engagement strategies to enhance citizen participation, improve public services, and foster a more inclusive and transparent democracy.

    Global Allies

    Comparing US Alliances in the 21st Century

    Global Allies is a groundbreaking edited volume that provides a comprehensive comparative study of US alliances in Europe and Asia. Edited by Michael Wesley, this book explores the challenges, opportunities, and shifting dynamics of these crucial alliances from the perspectives of US allies. It examines the historical development of the multilateral NATO [...]

    Managing Consultants - Book Cover

    Managing Consultants

    A Practical Guide for Busy Public Sector Managers

    Navigate the complex landscape of engaging consultants in the public sector with this practical guide for busy managers. Streamline the procurement process, negotiate fees, choose the right consultant, and ensure successful project outcomes. An essential resource for public sector professionals and government officials.

    New Accountabilities, New Challenges - Book Cover

    New Accountabilities, New Challenges

    This insightful volume, New Accountabilities, New Challenges delves into the critical issues facing governments today. Drawing on expertise from leading academics and public servants, the book offers a comprehensive analysis of systemic accountabilities and policy processes in government. Through a series of meticulously researched case studies, it provides valuable critiques and insights into [...]

    On the Formation of Marxism - Book Cover

    On the Formation of Marxism

    Karl Kautsky’s Theory of Capitalism, the Marxism of the Second International and Karl Marx’s Critique of Political Economy

    This book by Jukka Gronow talks about how Karl Kautsky played a big role in shaping how people in the European social democratic labor movement understood and interpreted Marxism in the years before World War I. As the main authority on Marx and Engels’ ideas during this time, Kautsky’s specific analysis of [...]

    Power and International Relations - Book Cover

    Power and International Relations

    Essays in Honour of Coral Bell

    Discover the life and intellectual legacy of Coral Bell, a trailblazing scholar in international relations, through this comprehensive resource. Gain profound insights into her realist perspective, which highlights the role of power, national interests, and security in shaping global dynamics. Dive deep into her significant contributions on crisis management, alliances, and the [...]

    Understanding and Confronting Authoritarism - Report - Book Cover

    Understanding and Confronting Authoritarianism

    Explore the deep-rooted nature of authoritarianism and its contemporary manifestations in Understanding and Confronting Authoritarianism. Uncover the historical connections to colonialism and imperialism, the impact of inequality, and the role of technology. This insightful analysis empowers readers to resist and advocate for democracy and human rights globally.