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Sinuous Objects - Book Cover

Sinuous Objects

Revaluing Women’s Wealth in the Contemporary Pacific

Sinuous Objects is a thought-provoking publication that delves into the concept of women’s wealth in Pacific anthropology. Edited by Anna-Karina Hermkens and Katherine Lepani, this book reengages with the debates surrounding gender, materiality, value, and the agency of objects. Through a comparative perspective, it explores the definition, value, and contestation of women’s wealth in various Pacific contexts, shedding light on the challenges faced by women in preserving their cultural values in the face of commodification. With a collection of insightful chapters and evocative poems, this book offers a deep understanding of the intimate relationship between women, their creations, and their cultural identities.

Recommended for:

  • Scholars and students of Pacific anthropology, cultural studies, gender studies, and social sciences.
  • Researchers interested in the concept of women’s wealth and material culture.
  • Individuals seeking a comprehensive exploration of the contemporary Pacific and its cultural dynamics.
  • Readers intrigued by the interconnectedness of gender, value, and the social life of objects.

You will:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the debates surrounding women’s wealth in Pacific anthropology.
  • Explore the intricate relationship between gender, materiality, and cultural identities.
  • Discover the diverse objects created by women across the Pacific and their significance in various contexts.
  • Engage with the challenges faced by women in preserving traditional values in the midst of commodification.
  • Delve into the complex dynamics of gift-giving, exchanges, and bride-price debates in Pacific societies.
  • Gain insights into the experiences of Pacific communities living in diaspora and their evolving cultural practices.
  • Appreciate the beauty and significance of sinuous objects through evocative poems.

Detailed Overview

Sinuous Objects presents a compelling exploration of the concept of women’s wealth in the context of Pacific anthropology. The book revisits and engages with the debates that were sparked by Annette Weiner’s critical reappraisal of Bronisław Malinowski’s work on the Trobriand Islands. Weiner’s observations emphasized the central role of women’s production of “wealth” in Trobriand matrilineal cosmology and social organization. This volume brings these debates back to the forefront, inviting readers to critically reflect on gender, materiality, value, and the agency of objects.

The chapters in this book, accompanied by three poignant poems, invite readers to embrace the sinuous materiality of objects created by women across the Pacific. These objects, infused with cultural significance, establish an intimate relationship with gendered bodies. The authors traverse various Pacific contexts, from the Trobriands in Milne Bay to Maisin, Wanigela, and Korafe in Oro Province, Papua New Guinea, as well as the islands of Tonga and diasporic Tongan and Cook Islander communities in New Zealand. This comparative perspective illuminates how women’s wealth is defined, valued, and contested in contemporary exchanges, bride-price debates, church settings, development projects, and the challenges faced by communities living in diaspora.

The volume highlights the resilience of women in preserving the different values and meanings inherent in gift-giving and exchanges, despite the processes of commodification that have led to the decline or replacement of “women’s wealth.” It also considers the winding paths these objects take through time and place, revealing the abstract sinuosity in their movement across different regimes of value. Through an interdisciplinary lens, the book merges perspectives from anthropology, cultural studies, and gender studies to present a comprehensive analysis of women’s wealth and its cultural significance in the contemporary Pacific.

In the epilogue, Professor Margaret Jolly reflects on the sinuous objects and their relation to sensuous bodies. She underscores how the book traces the evolving values of women’s wealth across time and place, capturing the essence of cultural continuity and change. The volume concludes by demonstrating the importance of understanding the intricate connections between women, their creations, and their cultural identities.

Sinuous Objects is an invaluable resource for scholars and students interested in Pacific anthropology, cultural studies, gender studies, and social sciences. It offers a nuanced understanding of the complexity and richness of Pacific cultures, shedding light on the challenges faced by women in preserving their cultural values amidst changing social and economic landscapes. With its evocative chapters, poems, and insightful analysis, this book contributes to a deeper appreciation of the interconnectedness of gender, materiality, and the social life of objects in the Pacific.

Citation and Licensing

Anna-Karina Hermkens, Katherine Lepani (Eds). ANU Press. (2017). Sinuous Objects: Revaluing Women’s Wealth in the Contemporary Pacific. This ebook is published by ANU Press and is publicly available on their website: https://press.anu.edu.au/publications/series/pacific/sinuous-objects

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Sinuous Objects
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