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Syntax of Hungarian - Book Cover

Syntax of Hungarian

Coordination and Ellipsis

Syntax of Hungarian offers a comprehensive exploration of Hungarian grammar, delving into the intricacies of sentence structure and word order. Designed with both researchers and advanced students in mind, the book provides a theoretical foundation while emphasizing detailed descriptions. It examines a wide range of syntactic phenomena, including coordinate structures, conjunction types, ellipsis, and the interplay between morphology and syntax. By analyzing Hungarian’s unique features, the book contributes to our understanding of syntactic universals and variations across languages.

Recommended for: 

Scholars and students specializing in linguistics, particularly those interested in:

  • Hungarian Language: The book serves as a comprehensive reference for advanced learners and researchers of Hungarian syntax.
  • Typological Linguistics: By analyzing a non-Indo-European language like Hungarian, the book sheds light on patterns and variations in human language structure.
  • Syntactic Theory: The book delves into theoretical frameworks to explain Hungarian’s syntactic peculiarities,contributing to broader discussions in syntax research.
  • Morphology-Syntax Interface: The book explores how Hungarian’s complex morphology interacts with syntax,offering insights into the relationship between word formation and sentence structure.

You will:

  • Gain a thorough understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of syntactic analysis.
  • Explore the distinct features of Hungarian sentence structure, including word order patterns and the role of grammatical markers.
  • Analyze various types of coordinate structures, including those involving different verb tenses and moods.
  • Decipher the nuances of Hungarian conjunctions, understanding how they connect clauses and influence sentence meaning.
  • Grasp the concept of ellipsis in Hungarian, exploring the circumstances under which words or phrases can be omitted without impacting comprehension.
  • Analyze the intricate relationship between morphology (word formation) and syntax (sentence structure) in Hungarian.
  • Appreciate the unique characteristics of Hungarian syntax within the broader context of typological linguistics.
  • Engage with current research on syntactic theory and apply it to understand Hungarian’s grammatical complexities.
  • Gain valuable insights into the fascinating world of Hungarian language and its distinctive sentence structure.

Syntax of Hungarian bridges the gap between theoretical frameworks and in-depth linguistic descriptions, providing a valuable resource for anyone seeking to unlock the intricacies of Hungarian grammar.

Citation and Licensing

Zoltán Bánréti (Editor). AUP. (2022). Syntax of Hungarian. https://www.aup.nl/en/book/9789048556038/syntax-of-hungarian

This ebook is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The full licence terms are available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/


Syntax of Hungarian
Clicks: 15, format: PDF, size: 4.3 MB, date: 08 Aug. 2024

Post Author: admin