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    Through the Looking-Glass - Lewis Carroll - Book Cover

    Through the Looking-Glass

    Through the Looking-Glass is a classic fantasy novel that follows the adventures of Alice as she falls down a rabbit hole and enters a fantastical world, where logic and reality are turned upside down. Recommended for: Readers who enjoy fantasy, adventure, and classic literature, particularly those who appreciate wit, satire, and clever wordplay. [...]

    A Tangled Tale - Lewis Carroll - Book Cover

    A Tangled Tale

    A Tangled Tale is a unique book that combines mathematics and literature. Written by Lewis Carroll, the renowned author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, this book presents a series of mathematical puzzles and problems, cleverly disguised as short stories. Recommended for: This book is perfect for those who enjoy mathematics, puzzles, and [...]

    Sylvie and Bruno - Lewis Carroll - Book Cover

    Sylvie and Bruno

    Sylvie and Bruno is a fantasy novel by Lewis Carroll, published in 1889. The book is a unique blend of fantasy, humor, and social commentary, featuring a complex narrative that weaves together multiple storylines and characters. Recommended for: Readers who enjoy fantasy, humor, and social commentary will appreciate this book. It is [...]

    Alice's Adventures in Wondderland - Lewis Carroll - Book Cover

    Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

    Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a children’s book written by the British author Lewis Carroll and first published in 1865. The book belongs to the literary fantasy genre. It is considered one of the most exceptional works in that genre. In 1871, Carroll published the sequel “Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice [...]