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Alice's Adventures in Wondderland - Lewis Carroll - Book Cover

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a children’s book written by the British author Lewis Carroll and first published in 1865. The book belongs to the literary fantasy genre. It is considered one of the most exceptional works in that genre. In 1871, Carroll published the sequel “Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There.” Together, these two children’s books have become classics of world literature. Their narrative style, structure, characters, and imagery had a significant cultural impact.

Recommended for: Fans of classic children’s literature, readers interested in imaginative and surreal storytelling, and those who appreciate the whimsical and thought-provoking nature of Lewis Carroll’s works. This timeless tale will appeal to a wide audience, including young readers, their parents, and adults who enjoy exploring the boundaries of logic and reason.

You will:

  • Immerse yourself in the fantastical and dreamlike world of Wonderland, where the rules of reality are playfully subverted.
  • Follow Alice on her curious and often bewildering adventures as she encounters a colorful cast of unforgettable characters.
  • Discover the power of language, wordplay, and nonsense to challenge and expand the boundaries of conventional thinking.
  • Explore themes of identity, perspective, and the nature of reality through Alice’s shifting experiences and transformations.
  • Appreciate the masterful use of satire, social commentary, and mathematical and logical puzzles that have made this story a beloved classic.
  • Engage with the timeless questions and philosophical musings that permeate the narrative, sparking your own imaginative and intellectual curiosity.
  • Witness the enduring appeal of Carroll’s vivid and whimsical illustrations, which have become an integral part of the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland experience.
  • Connect with the universal human experience of childhood wonder, curiosity, and the desire to make sense of the seemingly nonsensical.


The story starts when Alice is sitting in a tree outdoors with her sister. The sister read a book “without illustrations,” which makes Alice go through boredom.

Then a white rabbit dressed in a jacket and vest appeared next to her. The rabbit runs whispering “I’m late” while it looks at the pocket watch. Thus, Alice is curious about him and decides to follow him and enter his hole. The hole turns out to be a horizontal tunnel deeper than expected. When the tunnel becomes vertical, Alice falls for an extended period.

At the end of her fall and without hurting herself, Alice enters a world of absurdities and paradoxes. Once the rabbit has disappeared, Alice finds a small bottle. The first of several that she will discover during her adventure. The bottle contains a label that says, “Drink Me,” curiosity invades Alice, who drinks the contents of it.

The final chapter begins with the narration of Alice’s participation in the trial. The White Rabbit reads the latest test available: a letter without a signature in the form of a poem. The poem describes how the pies return to their original owner. Despite this, the Queen orders ‘Sentence first – verdict afterward’. Alice thinks it does not make sense and starts arguing with the queen. When the cards jump to attack Alicia, she returns to her sister’s lap.

The reader perceives then that the girl has fallen asleep. After the fantastic dream, she woke up when she felt that some tree leaves fell on her face. Later, Alice tells the dream to her sister, and she’s going to prepare for afternoon tea.


A boat trip on the Thames, three years earlier inspired the story. During that trip, Carroll told a story to the Oxford dean’s daughters. Lewis Carroll first named the novel “Alice’s Adventures Under Ground.” Afterward, give it the name “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” After its publication, the book was well received and had many enthusiastic readers. These included, among others, the young Oscar Wilde and Queen Victoria.

The fictional world in which Alice lives in the story plays with such logic that both mathematicians and children enjoy the narration. The stories are also known due to the illustrations of the British designer John Tenniel.


Lewis Carroll. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Publisher Macmillan and Co (Londres), 1866. Originally published in 1865. This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Text from Wikisource: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Alice%27s_Adventures_in_Wonderland_(1866)
This digital edition is provided by Ebooks-net in 2024 under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. The full text of the license is available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

To cite this work

Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Ebooks-net, 2024. CC BY-SA 4.0. https://ebooks-net.com/ebook/alices-adventures-in-wonderland/


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